Life Cycle & Stock Cycle

For any business planning and decision making in your investment Forecasting is very important, such as: Investment to buying Stocks. The Problem is what kind of stock to buy, to hold, or to sell? When? The timing is especially an important factor at your decision making in investment.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Global Financial Crisis: Cycle Analysis - Life Cycle & Stock Cycle - Foreword

Global Financial Crisis: Cycle Analysis

Life Cycle - Business Cycle - Stock Cycle

"Global Financial Crisis: Cycle Analysis -
Life Cycle - Business Cycle - Stock Cycle"
By Joseph Yung-Yuan Lai

ISBN: 1-4196-2963-8

BookSurge Publishing

An Company


Mr. Joseph Yung-Yuan Lai has written a fascinating book "Global & Asian Financial Crisis - Cycle Analysis - Life Cycle - Business Cycle - Stock Cycle" explaining economic events around the globe. He has a firm grasp of the workings of both market economies as well as quasi-authoritarian economies of Asia. He is extremely familiar with details about the operation of the securities market in the United States. He is in addition, well versed in Eastern and Western Astrology. In this book, Mr. Lai introduces us to a new astrological theory that could help to divine the future, a benefit both for individuals as well as for corporations. It is natural for many entities to have an interest in the forecast of the outcomes of their actions, be it in the area of investment, corporate mergers, to introduction of new products and in such personal affairs as job search, choosing the right stocks in the market and marriage. There exists a plethora of economic models that are designed to guide in one's planning process. Mr. Lai's contention is that while economic models are reasonably accurate in the very short run, their usefulness is limited beyond a period of a month. He cites the failure of forecasters and economists to predict the recession of 1990-91 and the Asian financial crisis of 1997-1998. Mr. Lai has created a new astrological theory called, the New Divination- Natural Theory - Life Cycle is based upon his intuition, ancient Chinese Astrology is based on the lunar system and Western Astrology based on the solar system.

The Natural Theory - Life Cycle can be used to determine the best timing for each individual to undertake important personal decisions such as marriage, switching jobs and investment in stocks. Mr. Lai divides Life Cycle into four segments: As Rising Trend Channel, Flat Trend Channel, Declining Trend Channel, and Zero Point Rhythm. These patterns of Life Cycle vary from sixty years, twelve years, three years, one-year, three months and one-month cycle. In each cycle one fourth of the time i.e., three months in a one-year cycle, an individual faces a Zero Point Rhythm. The Life Cycle segmentation is analogous to the phases of a Business Cycle i.e., Recovery, Prosperity, Recession and Trough and four seasons spring, summer, fall and winter. Mr. Lai stresses that proper timing is important for decisions to become successful. Decisions taken during one's rising trend channel will bring good luck while decisions taken during Zero Point Rhythm will be disastrous. The birth date, time and place of birth and the influence of the planets Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn determine a person's Zero Point Rhythm.

The Zero Point Rhythm of corporations depends on the date of incorporations, the date and place of the opening of their branch offices or plants. For Stock IPO to be successful in their pricing strategy it is important to choose the right offer date as well as the filing date. All entities, individuals and corporations go through Life Cycle even within the course of the day. Locating a particular phase of the Life Cycle even within the course of the day is possible with Mr. Lai's expertise in the New Divination Theory.

Numerous economic events of the past, both relating to the United States, and the rest of the World are cited by the author to buttress his Natural Theory. The Stock Market Crash of 1929, and the deep slump of 1987 in the United States. The long recession of Japan in the 1990's, the downturn in the economies of Thailand, South Korea, Indonesia and Malaysia, as well as the changing fortunes of several leading corporations including the United States based Long Term Management, is explained in the context of the Natural Theory Life Cycle hypothesis. In this book, he also analyzed the Life Cycle of the leaders of nations and the CEO's of corporations to show that negatives experienced by individuals, firms and nations are always associated with the Zero Point Rhythm. The Steep Decline in the New York Stock Exchange Dow Jones Industrial Average and NASDAQ Composite Index during the month of April 2000 was also predicted by Mr. Lai.

There are many who are comfortable in the use of astrological factors in their personal decisions making. They would find support in Mr. Lai's claims. Presumably more people will be convinced about the efficacy of Mr. Lai's theory after reading his book. Mr. Lai will be happy to help those who seek his Life Cycle astrological advises. The New York Times (Sunday, January 2, 2000. Section 14 - The City) in profiling Mr. Lai has made reference to his use of computers in what stars say about the stock market. Thus Mr. Lai is able to combine ancient Chinese wisdom and modern computer tools to forecast the future. However, Mr. Lai is modest to admit that forecasting needs the use of all three indicators i.e., Business Cycle, Stock Cycle and Life Cycle.

K. Chandrasekar, Ph.D.
Professor of Economics
School of Management
New York Institute of Technology
New York, NY 10023

Are our Financial Futures Forecasted in the Stars?

Discover how Joseph Yung-Yuan Lai uses astrology to predict what lies ahead in Global Financial Crisis - Cycle Analysis: Life Cycle - Business Cycle - Stock Cycle

FLUSHING, NEW YORK – Global Financial Crisis-Cycle Analysis: Life Cycle-Business Cycle-Stock Cycle by Joseph Yung-Yuan Lai foretells financial and personal matters by using the ancient wisdom of astrological cycles.

Can ancient wisdom be used to solve modern problems? Astrologer and consultant Joseph Yung-Yuan Lai thinks so. Our planet has weather cycles, but our lives have cycles, too, showing us optimum times for romance, changing jobs or making important decisions. Business, too, has seasons of prosperity, recovery, recession and drought. Joseph Yung-Yuan Lai calls this the Natural Theory—and suggests that life cycles, business cycles, economic cycles and stock cycles shape our lives, and are key factors to success.

Fortunes run in cycles of twelve years, believes Yung-Yuan Lai, with their own seasons of growth, fruition, harvest and dormancy. He painstakingly explains economic events around the globe, introducing readers to a new astrological theory that could benefit individuals as much as it could help corporations. While conventional economic models can guide our decisions, these models are only accurate for a short run. Joseph Yung-Yuan Lai’s innovative new method has long lasting effects. Using Chinese Lunar Astrology, Western solar astrology, and his own intuition, Joseph Yung-Yuan Lai has created a forecast system to help readers in all walks of life.

Predicting the stock market and planning your life, says Joseph Yung-Yuan Lai, isn’t just wishing on stars—it’s examining them with an eye to the best cycle for the best action.

“Millionaires don’t use Astrology … Billionaires do!” J.P. Morgan

For more information, please contact the author at
Global Financial Crisis - Cycle Analysis: Life Cycle - Business Cycle - Stock Cycle,
ISBN: 1-4196-2963-8 is available for sale online at,,, and through additional wholesale and retail channels worldwide.

ISBN: 1-4196-2963-8

BookSurge Publishing
An Company

About the Author

Joseph Yung-Yuan Lai is a former Librarian & Chief Librarian for the American Embassy United States Information Service in Taiwan. Born in Taiwan, he attended Chuo University School of Law in Tokyo, Japan and began his study of Astrology in 1960. A citizen of the United States since 1993, he received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration in Finance from the New York Institute of Technology. He is now an Astrologer and Consultant in Flushing, New York.

The New York Times Reporters visited and interview he predicted New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) and NASDAQ Index Declined in spring 2000. It was published in The New York Times on January 2, 2000 and on April 14, 2000 the proof of it was 100% accuracy in his prediction. He is serving as an Astrologer & Consultant in Flushing, New York.

Links - My Home Pages as the following:

Life Cycle & Stock Cycle


Book Rating as 5 STAR 98% positive.

"Global Financial Crisis: Cycle Analysis

Life Cycle - Business Cycle - Stock Cycle"

By Joseph Yung-Yuan Lai

ISBN: 1-4196-2963-8

BookSurge Publishing, An Company

Best Regards,
Joseph Yung-Yuan Lai
Author, Astrologer & Consultant




For any business planning and decision making in your investment forecasting is very important, such as: Investment to buying stocks. The problem is what kind of stock to buy, to hold, or to sell? When? The timing is especially an important factor at your decision making in investment.

There are many ways to analyze the best time to invest your resources. Such as: fundamental analysis, technical analysis, cyclical analysis, and guessing. The key is to determine which way when a person shall select for analyzing the investment so that he can make a lot of money in any market if he or she know how to apply forecasting analysis.


For the past four decades we have seen a number of developments in the forecasting methods used in business and administration. Forecasting is the attempt to predict outcomes and future trends that can serve as the basis for the planning steps and decisions.

An observation popular with many forecasters is that "the only certain thing about a forecast is that it will be wrong." Sometimes, of course, forecasts are wrong, and there is a price to be paid.

An estimated over 6,000 economic forecaster work daily in every nation to predict trends in the stocks, Foreign Exchange Currencies, the commodities, and the real estate markets. Most of these forecasters are highly trained economists who believe that market directions are determined by endogenous (internal factors) such as inflation, unemployment, and interest rates ... etc.

Technical forecasting once considered an occult science, is a full-fledged 20th-century profession. Economists do it. Meteorologists do it. Business does it. Even the military does it. The technology of forecasting is pushing computers to the limit as they cast mathematical structures into the future.

At this time in history, technical forecasters can accurately predict 90% of what's going to happen tomorrow, about 50% of what's going to happen next week, and about 20% of what's going to happen next month. Astrologers are beginning to humor themselves with the possibility of being able to stretch their system hundreds of years into the future.

There is asmall group, however, who construct their forecasts on information received from exogenous (external factors) such as the movements of the planets and the Sun and Moon. Every economist must consider the implications of the predictable economy, business and financial situation.

For the last 100 years, astrologers, whose ideology naturally assumes that the future is predictable, have been served in the Business and Financial fields. Most of these predictions are wildly inaccurate and intentionally designed to prop up the goals of upper classes. Since the 1960's, however, several astrologers have seriously monitored economic trends and the relationship to planetary positions in this solar system.

Joseph Yung-Yuan Lai, Astrologer & Consultant, created a breakthrough system he calls "The New Divination - Natural Theory - Life Cycle," which is based on all the ancient and modern knowledge he learned with his research works for over 30 years. Joseph Y. Lai received Bachelor of Science Degree, Business Administration in Finance from New York Institute of Technology, New York, U.S.A.

Joseph Yung-Yuan Lai has monitored the global buying and selling patterns of the human species since 1971 and totally convinced, as Asian Financial Crisis today that such patterns are predictable. Granted that we can run our predictions by mathematical computation into the future, the real question remains: When will we begin to manage our economy freely within those parameters? The greatest challenge in the development of our civilization awaits us. As an astrologer, Mr. Lai has chosen to reach for the stars rather than to simply standby watching them.


1. What kind of methods for forecasting?
2. How to know, the upward or downturn trend? When?


1. New Divination - Natural Theory - Life Cycle will inform you of everything, your good luck is forthcoming, and help you immediately in making up your mind.
2. The timing is very important.

NATURAL THEORY: Life Cycle & Stock Cycle

Natural Theory - Life Cycle such as four seasons: spring, summer, fall and winter. Just like as there are business cycle in business and economy- Recovery, Prosperity, Recession, and Trough. Cycle of time are old as ancient history and as new as today such as the sunrise every morning and sunset every night - sunrise, noon, sunset, and midnight. That is one day everyday repeated and repeated forever and a day.

While you are at the bottom of your cycle of bad luck - It means your winter season of life so called "ZERO POINT" - DON'T ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE MISLEADING by those who MAKE BIG PROMISES and DELIVER A BIG ZERO. Please keep in mind, Millions Times ZERO (9,999,999 X 0 = 0) the answer is ZERO. There is no use struggling to go up, for you will merely bog down deeper. At such moments, it would be much better to stay just where you are. Rush action aren't likely to give you the results you'd likes, PLEASE KEEPING IN MIND SLOWLY BUT SURELY.

Try to find moments where you can be truly alone so you can recharge your battery. Wait with as much patience as you can, until the time to emphasize your power in an upward trend on the way to change of your bad luck to good luck.

The PROBLEMS: How to know that the timing of the upward trend? WHEN?
The SOLUTIONS: The New Divination - Natural Theory- Life Cycle will inform you everything, your good luck is forthcoming, and help you immediately in making up your mind.

As there are Business Cycle in the field of Business and Economy - Recovery, Prosperity, Recession and Trough, as well as Typical Stock Market Cycle - Buy Point (Rising Trend), Peak, Sell Point (Flat Trend), Declining Trend, and Trough.

Life Cycle based on Company Incorporated, birth date of CEO, Chairman, President, and Vice President. Stock IPO stock offered date, the timing of business date, in all have its own Life Cycle and Business Cycle such as: spring, summer, fall and winter, its exactly as the same as Business Cycle as well as Typical Stock Market Cycle.

Life Cycle - For 12-year Time Cycles have 3 years in ZERO POINT Rhythms, and every year in 12-month Time Cycles have 3 months ZERO POINT Rhythms, too. But, everyone is not the same years and months in ZERO POINT Rhythms, it based on your birthday and its influence by the star of Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn. Everyone is subject to a cycle of Good Luck and Bad Luck, which controlled by a variety of forces in the Universe.

Life Cycle of luck present some general patterns. Especially, there are 1-month cycle, 3-month cycle, 1-year cycle, 3-year cycle, 5-year cycle, 10-year cycle, 12-year cycle, and 60-year cycles.

Good Luck and Bad Luck comes around to all of us, Up rising and Down falling in a cycle, this is a Life Cycle for everyone as well as sunrise and sunset.

Life Cycle - Business Cycle & Stock Cycle for Corporation

For a corporation has been formed, the company's Life Cycle based on incorporated date. The company's Life Cycle, it is aswell as Business Cycle, and Stock Cycle. There are another way to determine for a company's Life Cycle that is not only legally incorporated, but also when company's grand opening for business. Please keep in mind, the company used timing both of tthat factors would be considered.

Incorporation dates are always changing, when larger companies are gobbling up smaller ones in mergers; there will be changes in incorporation dates and Life Cycle - Business Cycle - Stock Cycle.

Several large companies have branch offices throughout the nation and the world. The original incorporation date of the Head Office is always used, but it is also very important for the date, time and place of the opening date of the branch office. There is branch office's own Life Cycle, too.

The company is the symbol for the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chairman or President of the company, so it's very important to examine the date, time and place of birth of the CEO, Chairman and President for its own Life Cycle. As you learned The Life Cycle, as well as Business Cycle, and Stock Cycles is THE BEST METHOD to PREDICTION the company's healthy (gains) or sickness (losses).

“Millionaires don’t use Astrology … Billionaires do!” J.P. Morgan

Yours Friend,
Joseph Yung-Yuan Lai
Author, Astrologer & Consultant



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